The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is America’s largest integrated health system, serving millions of Veterans each year. But surprisingly, many Veterans haven’t enrolled for the health benefits. Why? Our research showed that they believed VA health care was only for service-disabled or impoverished Vets—and not for them.
Crosby joined up with VHA in the Maryland/West Virginia service area to get Vets to think differently. Our approach: change the dynamic, starting with a simple military-style directive. “Every Veteran Should Enroll.” We used images of active Veterans and messaging that reminded Vets health care was a benefit they’d earned and deserved.
Online communications to help the VHA connect with Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, on sites such as Facebook,, and Stars & Stripes online.
Veterans trust Veterans. We distributed sharable social graphics through all VHA platforms and sent to Veterans Service Organizations to extend the campaign beyond paid media.
All communications drove prospects to either call VA directly or visit a robust online landing page to enroll. The platform was designed specifically to encourage the desired action – Enroll Now.
In less than one year, more than 90,000 people visited our landing page, with 21,810 clicking through to the 1010EZ enrollment application
6,208 people picked up the phone and called VA to enroll
Our local VISN group saw an enrollment growth of 14% in one year alone